Saturday, February 23, 2008

Collage Work

A few weeks ago, the class did a collage activity where we cut pictures from different sources such as magazines and put them together on a piece of construction paper. That was a lot of fun. I haven't done that for long a time. Anyway, the pictures shown below is my collage in its original form.

The message behind it is about how we, as huma
ns, are destroying ourselves and our only home through war, pollution, and other things like that. My source of inspiration are current events. War and climate change are prevalent in the headlines these days so I thought I'd do my collage on those two. The pictures represent what we are capable of: love and hatred & preservation and destruction.

Below is the same collage edited with Photoshop using different layers of texts, custom brushes, filters, and the cloning tool.


Finally I have Internet connection again! After being away from the "information superhighway" for quite some time, I realized how really important it is to be connected to it (in our culture at least). Well, I already knew that it is important, but I've never been in a situation where I was deprived of the Internet for a month. It's amazing that we depend so much on technology for most of our everyday tasks. I felt lost not being able to check my e-mail and even Myspace *lol* for important messages from friends, and even more lost for not being able to check the news for current events (I prefer to check the news online rather than on TV because there are no commercials).

This post isn't really important, but I thought I'd just post it anyway just to have something on this blog haha.